Answer Properties

The presentation of questions can be tailored via the Answers tab in the Properties Pane. Properties are grouped into sections:

  • General - mandatory properties (e.g. question name, format), along with frequently used properties (e.g. filters, helper text, randomization)
  • Advanced - less frequently used properties (e.g. controls)

To access the properties, make sure the Properties Pane is enabled using the toggle buttons.

Available Properties

The available properties differ according to the question type and format.

Property Section What Does It Do?
01 Code General This is the value, or code number for the individual answer
02 Answer Text General This is the value label for the individual answer
03 Sort Order General Controls the order in which answer codes are displayed to survey respondents
04 Code Filter General Enter the qualification criteria for any individual code that needs to be displayed only under certain circumstances
06 Force Single Answer General In a Multi question, this field should be checked for any individual answer that needs to be limited to a single response
07 Code Group Label Advanced If answers within a codeframe require grouping with a label, or header displayed, the labels for the group can be specified here
09 Disable Answer Advanced When this box is checked, the highlighted answer will be deactivated and the answer will not be displayed on the screen
20 Width Advanced Sets the width of any text input box
21 Height Advanced Sets the height of any text input box
22 Max Length Advanced For any numeric or verbatim text fields for which you wish to restrict the number of characters that the survey respondent can enter, the maximum number of characters may be set here
23 Multiline General Check this box to change a verbatim field to a larger memo text field that will automatically expand as the respondent types in their answer
27 Validation Rule Advanced Validation rules may be set to ensure that survey respondents have entered a valid answer
28 Include Verbatim General Check this box to capture open ended, or verbatim comments with the selected answer (e.g. ‘Other (please specify)’)